joi, 22 decembrie 2011

My advice

Don't stay down
To the ground
Keep on running
Like you're planning.

Don't let problems
Do some troubles!
Fix them with stile,
Escape them with smile...

sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2011

Puterea zambetului

Eu sunt cel care vreau sa fac
Cunoscuta pe fata pamantului
Puterea zambetului.
Si nu o sa pot sa tac
Pana dorinta-mi indeplinesc.
Multa vointa investesc,
Sper asa sa va-nveselesc,
Nu-ncerc sa va pacalesc.


Mi se pare nefiresc,
Toti baietii ii zambesc,
Toti i-ar spune te iubesc.
Cand ii vad inebunesc.

Parca, acum, privesc
Un spectacol prostesc
In care toti uneltesc,
Pe la spate susotesc.


Just you’re the onlyone.
In my soul are only you.
In your life is only me.
For our love I fighting for.

Christmas time

It’s christmas time.
Everything is fine.
The christmas tree is ready,
The presents are heavy.

Everybody is happy,
Our love is fluffy.
We bouth together
Will stay forever.


You say “No”, I say “Yes”.
Another argue, becoming stress.
You say “Yes”, I say “No”.
You don’t like? You’re free to go!

In the middle of the problem

You wake me up,
In the middle of the morning:
-Baby! Help me cleaning!

You yell to me,
In the middle of the day:
-Darling! We have builds to pay!

You call me,
In the middle of the evening:
-Don’t just sitting, the child is crying!

At last, the night is coming
But our neighbor is starting singing
In the middle of the night, I hear Paula Seling.

Everything is perfect in my life
With a little help from my sweet wife.
With every step in life I’m feeling safe.

joi, 8 decembrie 2011

In doi

A fi sau a nu fi?
A uri sau a iubi?
E ca o joaca, poti sa sti ...
Ne purtam ca doi copii.

A sti sau a nu sti?
A plange sau a zambi?
Din orice noi ne certam,
Vina mereu ne-o pasam...

A pleca sau a veni?
A sta sau a calatori?
Ne despartim, ne impacam,
Imaturi, ne tot certam...

A privi sau a nu privi?
A simti sau a nu simti?
Timpul trece, fara sa stim,
Impreuna imbatranim...

My bunny, it's sunny

My sweet bunny,
Dear honey!
You're so funny,
Come to daddy!
With me it's sunny,
You're my poetry,
Everething  is easy.
You're my destiny
And it's look so lovely...

marți, 6 decembrie 2011


Sunt in pana de idei
Cand se uita-n ochii mei.
Incerc sa nu par copil,
Ma prefac ca sunt cu stil.

Imi zambeste, nu stiu ce sa fac,
Imi apar fluturi in stomac,
Incerc sa ii spun te plac
Dar ma balbai ca am trac.

Inapoi pe pamant incerc sa cobor
Dar o vad iarasi zambind
Si incep din nou sa zbor.
Vreau mereu acest decor!

Dimineata ma trezesc, cand,
Vad doar un pat gol,
Imediat imi apari in gand
Si de tine mi se face dor.

Daca voi toti ati sti
Ce frumos e a pluti!
Daca macar ati banui
Ce inseamna “a iubi”!

vineri, 2 decembrie 2011

Black and white ...

P.S. : Poezia mea pentru Maria, i-am promis ca o sa o postez :))


Ce vreau de la Mos Craciun?
Tot ce stiu ca e mai bun:
Din plin iubire
Si mai multa fericire...

One in a million

You are one in a million.
You're that simply definition
How I can see perfection,
Now put the music on!
Jump on me and yell action!
Move on me in slow motion!
To satisfy me is your mission.

Bloguol lui

Fotografia mea
Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, Romania

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